“Transformative,” “An amazing combination of academic and spiritual,” “A brilliant surprise,” are ways that recent alums have described their Collegium experience. Here are several examples of how Collegium alumni/ae have chosen to “take the conversation home,” carrying out and building upon themes from their week at the Summer Colloquy.
- A key insight and the chance to practice it again and again: on becoming more katholikos
By Bill McDonough, Professor of Theology - No Such Thing as a Trivial Conversation
By Karen Eifler, Professor of Education, Emerita, University of Portland - Community, Collegiality, Hospitality: Bringing the Spirit of Collegium to Georgetown
By Kelly Heuer G’08 - Faith, Intellectual Life, and the Subversion of Busyness
By Norah Martin, Professor, Department of Philosophy & Environmental Studies, University of Portland - Building on Collegium: The International Lasallian University Leadership Program
By John Wilcox, Vice President for Mission, Emeritus, Manhattan College - Stories We Tell…From Baltimore to Denver
By Karsonya Wise Whitehead (F’12) and Jason Taylor (F’12), who met at the 2012 Collegium summer colloquy, in Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education, Fall 2013, #44. - Reflections on Collegium
By Aaron Van Dyke, an address to new faculty on Mission Day at Fairfield University - Collegium at Twenty
By David O’Brien, Professor Emeritus of History, College of the Holy Cross - Laudato Si’: Sharing the pope’s encyclical on the environment at Catholic universities around Chicago
By Mark Potosnak (F’11), Climate Ambassador for the Catholic Climate Covenant, DePaul University, Department of Environmental Science and Studies