We are excited to announce that a new volume of essays written by Collegium alums is underway, and we are now seeking proposals for submissions. The book, tentatively titled Beneath the Rage and Tumult: Promoting Radical Hospitality and Belonging in College Classrooms, is conceived as a companion volume to 2014’s popular Becoming Beholders, which focuses on practical ideas for cultivating students’ sacramental imaginations. This volume will provide specific strategies for developing prophetic imagination that is turned to constructive actions.
We seek proposals for chapters from members of every discipline in Catholic higher education, with an emphasis on robust descriptions of teaching strategies, co-curricular activities and assignments that are practical and portable across disciplines, and which have proven effective in helping people hone their senses not just to perceive what is broken and fallen in our world, but which help move us from despair to meaningful actions. Because a number of Collegium alums have taken on administrative roles, we are also open to manuscripts that describe successful professional development sessions and tactics aimed at cultivating these capacities in faculty and staffs at Catholic colleges and universities.
Read the full details about the RFP HERE.