Marianne Lloyd, the 2015 recipient of the Collegium Visionary Award, is Associate Professor of Psychology at Seton Hall University. She first participated in Collegium as a Faculty Fellow in 2008 and has served as a mentor twice since then. Members of the groups she mentored have lauded Marianne for being “invested in assuring that we all had the best experience possible.” They spoke of her dedication to the needs of the group, her candor, humor, openness, and focus. One participant spoke for many others by saying, “She allowed us to find our voices and made us feel comfortable sharing difficult truths.”
At Seton Hall, Marianne has been an important advocate for Collegium and for more of the kind of conversation and work that it models. Colleagues say that Marianne embodies its spirit fully and deeply, and is an “outstanding member of the university community” through her teaching, her scholarship and her service on department, college and university committees, including the board of Seton Hall’s Center for Vocation and Servant Leadership and the Seton Hall Faculty Senate. She is not shy, they say, in speaking out about important issues that touch on the university’s mission.
Marianne has been thoughtful about finding ways to integrate her fascinating research as a psychologist on memory with understandings of the Catholic intellectual tradition. In the classroom she has done this through her Journeys of Transformation class, a “signature class” in the university core curriculum, and a senior seminar on authenticity and balance. She is even developing a new course, Memory and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. An active participant in the university’s faculty retreats on mission, she also led one of these retreats on imagination and memory. Marianne has dedicated herself in a number of ways to community partnerships and to community-based learning, and is especially committed to mentoring students.
In recognition of her leadership advancing the Catholic intellectual tradition and living out Collegium’s mission as a mentor, colleague, teacher and scholar, Collegium is very pleased to present the 2015 Visionary Award to Dr. Marianne Lloyd.